Oulun lääketieteen tekniikan opiskelijat (Medical Technology students of Oulu) a.k.a. OLTO is an association or guild founded in 1993. OLTO is the guild for Biomedical engineering students and all the other students of University of Oulu who are interested in medical technology and engineering. OLTO maintains relations both inside the University of Oulu, (to the student union and other guilds) as well as other universities and sister guilds, without forgetting companies and experts in the field.
The guild consists of approximately 800 members, which represent a vast variety of students and alumni from Faculties of Medicine, Science, Technology as well as Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. The members of the guild are united by studies and wanting to use their knowledge to the implementations and applications of Medical Technology and engineering.
Contacts to companies, guilds and experts in the field are maintained e.g. by participating in seminars and events, such as LFT-day (Lääketieteellisen Fysiikan ja Tekniikan päivä, day of Medical Physics and Technology) as well as company visits and excursions. OLTO organizes an alumn panel every two years, to familiarize the students with job opportunities and companies in the field of Medical Technology. Every year in the caucus OLTO chooses an “Oltermanni” for the forthcoming year. The Oltermanni status will be given to a teacher at the University of Oulu who has eagerly supported and developed medical technology as a branch.
Students can get to know each other at the guild room, sauna and movie nights and if you’re feeling sporty, OLTO has a sports shift together with other ITEE guilds. Besides these events OLTO organizes SitSit parties and other common events together with other guilds. OLTO celebrates its anniversary every fifth year with a ball, the next one being held in 2028. OLTO and its activities have developed greatly and will continue to develop. If you have great ideas or desire to do something for shared goals, we welcome new guild-actives all the time!
Although OLTO isn’t officially a technical students’ guild (teekkarikilta), due to its members being of various study fields and not only technical, OLTO does tight cooperation with Oulun Teekkariyhdistys ry (Technical students association Oulu) or OTY and other technical students’ guilds.
OLTO is the association or guild for the students of Biomedical engineering and Medical and Wellness Technology. However, all the students who are interested in medical technology are welcome to join, regardless if they are already a member of another guild. The membership is free. Members get info of the events organized by the guild by subscribing to our mailing list, from our website, through social media and the guild’s notice board.