The idea of alumni activity is to increase the cooperation between alumni, aka those who have graduated, and current students. OLTO has arranged small-scale alumni activity for few years now and is eager to develop it, so all the feedback is welcome! Our aim is to find out which kind of activity would our alumni be interested in, and based on that we want to build up cooperation and organize events where alumni and students can meet up. Alumni activity is voluntary.

Alumni responsible person has been one of OLTO’s officials since 2015. Alumni rep keeps in touch with alumni, informs about alumni activity and events and arranges the activity. In addition to these, alumni rep participates in development meetings of alumni activity, which are organized by Tekniikan Akateemiset (TEK). In the meetings great ideas about alumni activity are discussed with other alumni reps.

OLTO has a Facebook page for the alumni. We’ll be using the page to share information about upcoming events and activity!

OLTO has also own list for alumni! You can join the list in As a return you will get a confirmation message, which you have to answer to in order to get the request through. After the request is accepted you will get a welcome message from the list.

In case your student mail has stopped working and therefore you’ve been removed from OLTOs common list, you can join the list again in The process is the same as above. While you join we would like you to tell OLTO (e.g. alumni rep) your previous email address so that we can delete the useless address from the list.

University of Oulu also has its own alumni network which you can join in

OLTOs alumni rep also accepts announcements of graduations so that we can change the alumni from actual members (student) to senior members (graduated).

For further information please contact our Alumni rep.